Let's get the money-shot out of the way, shall we? Here it is:
Fig. 1. The earth's global temperature (HadCRUT 4) - black line, plotted with the shift in the North Pole in miles - green line.
Remarkable isn't it? The data sources are here and here and here. The Gnuplot file for the plot is here in case you want to do it yourself. Our modern warm period coincides almost exactly with the largest shift in North-Pole movement that's ever been directly recorded.
It's an incredible correlation. One that *should* set scientific minds wondering. Especially with the daily focus on, and the billions of pounds spent on, research on the causes of climate change. Yet the issue of the shift of the Magnetic North Pole (MNP) (which will be accompanied by the consequent shift of the protective magnetosphere, and other important effects) seems to be largely ignored by the climate community. For example see here:
Fig 2. A search for Magnetic North Pole brings no results from the IPCC.
They just don't want to seem to talk about it. It's not just in the IPCC that the magnetic pole correlation is being ignored. The favoured blog of many of the "in crowd" of climate change research scientists is realclimate.org. Their Data Sources page list all the 'relevant' data sources. Not one mention data on magnetic pole shift.
Nor does it seem worthy of mention by the climate warriors at skepticalscience.com, they of the 97% consensus claim. No results for the magnetic north pole climate relationship there either:
Fig 3. No results for Magnetic North Pole at sks either.
Maybe, the modern period correlation is just a fluke. Let's look back at the longest temperature record we have: the Central England Temperature record.
The relationship looks pretty good there too. At least after 1750, and at least good enough to be at least considered as a factor in climate models. Or even as an uncertainty in climate models. But there's no mention of it in any of the GCM (General Circulation Model) literature that I could find.
We can see that there's a relationship, but which way round? Is the climate changing the location of the Magnetic North Pole? Or is the change of the Magnetic North Pole influencing climate? That's the subject of Part II of "Is The Earth's Magnetic Field Driving Our Climate?"
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